What Are Spiritual HABITS?What Are Spiritual HABITS?
Spiritual HABITS are six spiritual disciplines to help you mature in your faith. If we desire to grow intellectually, we must commit to "study habits." If we desire to grow socially, we must commit to "people skills." If we desire to grow physically, we must commit to "nutrition and exercise." In the same way, if we want to grow spiritually, we must commit to some spiritual habits. These are not the only spiritual disciplines, but they are a beginning point toward spiritual health. You might call this an "essentials" list for maturing believers, not in a legalistic sense, but rather a relational sense. We use the word HABITS as an acrostic to remember the disciplines. H - Hang Time with God A - Accountability in a Small Group B - Bible Memorization I - Involvement in Ministry & Mission T - Tithing Commitment S - Sermon Application What is Hang Time?
It is important for every believer to develop the discipline of daily time alone with God through prayer and reading His word. DEFINITION: A Hang Time is a period of time you set aside to be alone with God, to talk to Him and to listen to Him as you prepare to be used by Him that day. What is Accountability in a Small Group?
It is important for every believer to develop the discipline of accountability in relationship to others in the church. DEFINITION: Accountability is a mutual commitment to transparency with another believer in which each person gives an honest account of their walk with Christ. What is Bible Memorization?
It is important for every believer to develop the discipline of hiding God's Word in their heart. DEFINITION: Bible memorization is "hiding God's word in your heart" so that it impacts your daily living. What is Involvement in Ministry & MIssion?
It is important for every believer to develop the discipline of serving the needs of others in the church and in the world. DEFINITION: Involvement is more than attendance. Spiritual maturity is when you take off the bib and you put on the apron. Instead of saying things like "I'm not being fed" the mature believer says, "What am I doing to feed others?" What is a Tithing Stewardship Commitment?
It is important for every believer to develop the discipline of tithing and stewardship over all God has entrusted to them. DEFINITION: A tithe is the first tenth of our earnings. Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of resources that belong to someone else. While we give the first ten percent of our earnings to the church, we are to honor Christ with all that we have (even the 90%). What is Sermon Application?
It is important for every believer to develop the discipline of applying what God is teaching them through the sermons of corporate worship. DEFINITION: The sermon is to examine and present God's word with such faithfulness and sensitivity that the church hears and obeys the voice of God. What other disciplines can I develop?
While the list below might be helpful, please take the time to understand them in a distinctly Christian and biblical context. Some of these words have different definitions in other world religions. For example, meditation is taught by some religions "to empty your mind." In contrast, biblical meditation is "to fill your mind with God's word" and to allow our minds to dwell upon Christ.
How can I keep track of my Spiritual HABITS?
When you create a profile through the Grace Point Web App, you can identify which Spiritual HABITS you are developing or have developed. Go to www.GracePointLKN.com and click on the MY PROFILE icon to create your account. |
Spiritual HABITS ResourcesHang Time: Devotionals
Accountability: Accountability Guide
Bible Memorization: Memory Tools
Tithing Commitment: Stewardship Study
Sermon Application: Discussion Questions / Notes
For Additional Study: Books on Spiritual Disciplines