Kids Point
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6.
Kids Point Vision: A Place to GATHER
Our FIRST and HIGHEST PRIORITY when it comes to our future facilities is a building for Kids Point. Part of our vision for the future of Grace Point Church is to create a facility specific for Children's Ministry that is open during the week as a space for children to enjoy and parents and grand-parents to enjoy a cup of coffee from the church's cafe. A place where families can host birthday parties. A place where families can enjoy a Christian environment. We want our Kids Point space to be more than a mural on the wall. We want it to truly be a kid-friendly environment.
Most church building programs begin with an auditorium for the adults. We're going to build in reverse! We're starting with the kids. Their building will include a 200-seat auditorium that is clearly designed for children. While our entire church will need to use the auditorium for worship on Sundays during this phase, the Kids Point space will be a place children can call their own. Phase 2 will be a Student Ministry building for Student Point. Our plan is for the Student Center to have a 300-500 seat auditorium. Our adults will eventually see their own Worship Center at Phase 3!
Our FIRST and HIGHEST PRIORITY when it comes to our future facilities is a building for Kids Point. Part of our vision for the future of Grace Point Church is to create a facility specific for Children's Ministry that is open during the week as a space for children to enjoy and parents and grand-parents to enjoy a cup of coffee from the church's cafe. A place where families can host birthday parties. A place where families can enjoy a Christian environment. We want our Kids Point space to be more than a mural on the wall. We want it to truly be a kid-friendly environment.
Most church building programs begin with an auditorium for the adults. We're going to build in reverse! We're starting with the kids. Their building will include a 200-seat auditorium that is clearly designed for children. While our entire church will need to use the auditorium for worship on Sundays during this phase, the Kids Point space will be a place children can call their own. Phase 2 will be a Student Ministry building for Student Point. Our plan is for the Student Center to have a 300-500 seat auditorium. Our adults will eventually see their own Worship Center at Phase 3!
Kids Point Quick Links
Interested in Joining the Kids Point Team?
Kids Point Curriculum
We only have 572 weeks from the moment a child is born and they enter 6th grade. We want to make the most of our time each week. We have a strategy to partner with parents during these years of development that will lay the foundation for raising a child in the Lord and not just "raising them in church."
Kids Point uses the premiere curriculum available for children's ministry from Think Orange. "First Look" is for our preschoolers and "252 Kids" is for our elementary age kids. You can click on the image or one of the icons above to download the Parent Cue app. |